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Choose to Grow - Organisational Flow

Team Development

We understand that being part of a high performing team can often mean failure along the way.  When teams fail there is often an “engine” problem.  Understanding the components of the engine can get the team machine back up and running with great momentum in no time at all.  However, not having this insight can often mean even the best teams fall into a cycle of dysfunction.  We focus on supporting teams to take a pit stop using one of the following interventions and our bootcamp style to get you back up to speed in record breaking time:

Choose to Grow - Organisational Flow
Component 1: Mastering Team Trust

A powerful intervention you can use for your team or project:

  • Understanding which features influence the teams trust

  • Define trust and the value of teamwork

  • Create new team trust using one of our team profiling tools

  • Developing communication for improved team connection

  • Align personal and team values

  • Improve your team performance by creating a trust culture

  • Practice useful techniques, which you can immediately use in your organisation

Choose to Grow - Organisational Flow
Component 2: Having a Happy Conflict

A careful intervention you can use for your team or project:

  • Understanding the teams conflict dynamics profile

  • An assessment instrument measuring conflict behaviour using neuroscience

  • Taking a strengths-based approach to reach new levels of performance

  • Experiential activities to increase self-awareness and improve conflict resolution skills

  • Shine a light on team storming pitfalls, so leaders and team members understand how they respond to conflict, what triggers can escalate conflict, and how to manage conflict more effectively.

Choose to Grow - Organisational Flow
Component 3: Commitment through Resilience

A meaningful intervention you can use for your team or project:

  • Understanding the challenges teams face and the desired behaviours required to meet these challenges

  • Building capacity and optimising the resources the team have by understanding what already exists and what to build using our proven strengths & resilience methodologies

  • Understand what happens to the brain when asked to commit and why it may not happen authentically

  • Develop brain friendly practices that support team performance

  • Assess the current state of play and commit to workload & taking on operational challenges

  • How to get commitment from others including stakeholders and external networks

  • Develop a mindset that anticipates and prepares for ambiguity as a team

  • Building on team behaviours that align head, heart & gut to boost team resilience

Choose to Grow - Organisational Flow
Component 4: Boosting Accountability

An impactful intervention you can use for your team or project:

  • Explore consequences at all levels through the circles of engagement

  • Use accountable language and avoid accountability killers

  • Define the rules of engagement within the team

  • Implementing performance standards that team members will embrace

  • Setting a tone that emphasises actions over words

  • Creating a 3-step accountability chain that drives accountability in others

  • Understanding your team behaviours instead of numbers

  • Team coaching for success, making mediocre outcomes a thing of the past

  • Reinforce your personal brand and reliability

Choose to Grow - Organisational Flow
Component 5: A Winning Team Focuses on Collective Results

A magnifying intervention you can use for your team or project:

  • Create shared purpose and goals, whilst having a shared optimism

  • How you ensure as a team you don’t stagnate and continue to grow whilst in the performance zone

  • Explore how to continually defeat competitors by having the talent required

  • Learn how neuroscience at work can help us achieve new levels of focus to get improved results

  • Achievement orientated practice in everything we do

  • Enjoy success and learn from failures proactively

  • Continuous improvement conversations

  • Effective problem-solving processes

  • Create a solution focused approach

  • Persistence in the face of setbacks

  • Align with the team achievements rather than individual ambition and feel good about it - see the bigger picture

  • Effective team stress management techniques

  • How to keep connected with strategic networks outside of the team

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