Developing Inclusive Teams
About this Team learning Experience
The recent forced work from home experience has also led many organisations to realise the benefits of flexible working. Many employers are now considering what form of regular, long-term hybrid working model they could support.
Clearly then, hybrid teams will remain in place for some time yet to come. While there are many advantages of this model, it also creates challenges. There is, for example, a risk that remote employees may be left out of conversations or decisions made in the office. Your office-based staff could also have incorrect perceptions about their remote colleagues’ productivity or work-life balance, while a potential team divide could develop.
To overcome these challenges and create an even playing field for both office and remote workers, employers need to be intentional in their efforts to manage their hybrid team in an inclusive way. After all, creating an inclusive work environment allows you to create a sense of belonging for all employees. This in turn helps you support their mental health and wellbeing while also improving morale, productivity, teamwork and innovation – all important factors that will help an organisation quickly return to growth.
Inequity and a lack of inclusivity can result from a number of factors, including unintended manager biases, unequal access to developmental resources and support, and individual differences. Let’s consider each of these factors and reflect on what managers can do to level the playing field.
This learning experience explores what ‘Equality, Diversity and Inclusion’ means and why it matters in a team dynamic. We will explore the skills required to be an inclusive team member and to challenge non-inclusive practice where every you may work. Your teams will come away:
-Understanding what the terms, Equality, Diversity and Inclusion means
-Recognising the importance of building a workplace that promotes Inclusion where ever that may be
-Being able to Identify the barriers to Equality, Diversity and Inclusion
-Exploring what conscious and unconscious bias can look like in the workplace, and to assess the impact of bias
This programme can be delivered in any frequency, intensity and duration depending on your requirements. It focuses on moving your team behaviours towards the enablers that create inclusive and equal work experiences for all, regardless of where employees locate themselves. We will up their relationship intelligence, increase their self-awareness and an awareness and appreciation of others, which in turn will improve your team dynamics and innovation opportunities.
Product Lead
Miranda Jenkins
I am a Leadership & Management expert and have been working with HR and L&D Managers to facilitate learning for over 20 years to create and support transformations in leadership and management capability within their organisations. My aim is to understand what people really need in order to thrive and bring the best of themselves to work. My big goal is to create a workplace where everyone feels included in this ‘VUCA’ post-pandemic environment.